Enter this site and keeping on using the service, you agree with all the conditions described on this page. This is a blog, open to everyone in the net, without a necessity to form personal accounts and sharing your private data. Here, we present the reviews of online casinos and their games, with no advertising or commercial purposes.
All the intelligence collected from you is kept safely, with no opportunity to be accessed by third-bodies. We also notify that our site uses Cookies. These small pieces of info are harvested from the site, and is stored on your device for us to extend the experience and provide a more personalized content for you.
Information Collecting and Sharing
Our site evaluates your freedom and privacy. That is why, we do not ask anyone to create a personal page for reading our reviews and write-ups. Each visitor is welcome to view the articles without sharing any information. However, the exception includes the case when you subscribe to our newsletters, mobile notifications and exclusive promotions.
In this case, we ask you to provide several points, such as your name, email address, desired username and password. Our service guarantees that we do not share your information with anyone else, we also do not give it for commercial aims, or so. AllHighRollerCasinos do not have any third parties, which guarantees your privacy and safety.
This Site Uses Cookies
Our blog uses Cookies, which is done with personal targets only. That is done in order to provide a better content based on your personal interests and likings. With the help of the option enabled, we have an opportunity to gather some information about your device, liked articles, and more. Observing the popup window telling about the cookies, you accept the conditions and can check more data here. Nothing is done without your notification.
What Cookies are
Being more precise, web cookies are small pieces of information, which is gathered by us and kept on your computer, mobile phone or any device you use. According to the kinds of cookie, there are collected different dopes. There are essential, functionality, performance and advertising types to be implemented.
As they are, cookies were designed for online sites for them to keep the stateful information and to keep track of the user’s browser activity. That is why, when you enter the virtual page of any site, and you are not required to enter the username and password one more time (credit card intelligence, etc.), this is a work of cookies.
Why do We Use Cookies
The cookies are totally safe and work in the most secure method. The active harvesting starts right when you visit the site in order to analyze it and customize. Creating more convenient conditions for our users is the priority. We examine how long you stay with one survey, so understand that it is interesting and useful for you. We also get the info about the browser and its version, device, your location, IP address, and more.
AllHighRollerCasinos is entitled to implement some changes in our Cookie Policy at different moments. Each visitor takes responsibility to visit Privacy and Cookie Policy Page in order to check updates and be aware of the alterations. The Cookies presented on our site are according to GDPR.
How to Opt Out Cookies
The usage of Cookies is enabled automatically, and you agree with the fact when entering the site. However, once you don’t want any data of yours to be collected, you can disable the function in browser settings. That is when, you can delete cookies, browsing history and cache and all the information will be removed. Moreover, you can delete the info of the last hour, day, week, month or all time.